Did you know The Underdog Project is a @myschool_sa beneficiary?

Every helping hand lightens the load. Help us grow our MySchool income.

With every swipe of your MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet card – we see the sustainable impact.

Don’t have a MySchool card?
Download the Free MySchool app for an instant virtual card.
Remember to choose us as one of your beneficiaries.
Swipe your card at any Partner store and a percentage is donated to us!

How to sign up or add us as a beneficiary:

  1. Download the Myschool app or click this link
  2. Log in or register
  3. Enter your details (name and card number)
  4. In the app go to the beneficiaries tab (heart icon) (you can have up to 3 beneficiaries)
  5. Search for your chosen beneficiary (The Underdog Project)
  6. Click support.